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class flaxen.component.Tween implements Completable

Available on all platforms

Alters one or more values between two points over a series of time.

General interpolation class. Supports easing, looping, and onComplete operations. This example moves myEntity to the upper left corner over the course of two seconds, after which the Tween component removes itself from myEntity.

	var pos = myEntity.get(Position);
	var tween = new Tween(2)
		.addTarget(pos, "x", 0)
		.addTarget(pos, "y", 0)

For a tween to be processed, you must use TweenSystem (added by default), the Tween instance must be added to an entity (done automatically with Flaxen.newTween), the entity must be added to Ash (ditto), and either autoStart must be true on creation (the default) or running set to true after creation.

  • TODO: Add some static methods for creating Tweens with common settings, say Tween.createAndDestroy, or with a typedef create(props:TweenOptions)
  • TODO: Add multitween static method to tween more than one property of the same object, in a single call

Instance Fields

var complete:Bool

This is set to true when the tween completes the tween

var duration:Float

The duration of the tween in seconds

var easing:EasingFunction

The default easing function for all tween targets without a specified easing; set before adding targets

var elapsed:Float

The amount of elapsed time; this can be updated to advance or scrub the tween

var loop:LoopType

The loop type of the tween; the tween only loops if this is not None

var loopCount:Int

The number of times the tween has looped

var maxLoops:Int

Sets the maximum number of loops; only applicable if loop is not None; a value of 0 is ignored (endless looping)

var name:String

The name is primarily intended for the holding entity's name, which can be helpful in some cases; Flaxen.newTween sets this automatically; can be null if not defined

var onComplete:OnComplete

What to do after the tween completes

var running:Bool

The tween is only being updated when running is true; you can set this false to pause automatic tweening; you can pass false for autoStart to delay execution; see scrub

function new(duration:Float, ?easing:EasingFunction, ?loop:LoopType, ?onComplete:OnComplete, ?autoStart:Bool = true, ?name:String):Void

Constructs a new Tween

For a tween to be processed, it must have targets added to it (see addTarget) and be added to an Ash Entity.


The duration of the tween in seconds


A easing function, which will be applied to all targets that don't specify an easing; defaults to Easing.linear


The loop type of the tween; None does not loop, all other LoopTypes do


What to do after the tween completes


If true (default) kicks off the tween automatically; if false, you must kick it off by setting running


The duration of the tween in seconds

function addTarget(obj:Dynamic, prop:String, target:Float, ?initial:Float, ?easing:EasingFunction):Tween

Internal method for adding a TweenTarget to the tween Each TweenTarget is an individual object property that can be tweened. For a shorter convenience method, see to.

  • TODO: Add basic pathing support by allowing Array for target

The object with the property that is to be tweened


The name of the property within the object


The target value to tween to


The initial value to tween from; if not supplied, defaults to the current value of the property


The easing function to use for this tween; if not supplied, defaults to the current value of Tween.easing


This Tween

function pause():Tween

Pauses the tween.

This prevents all automatic tweening, and enables scrubbing. See scrub. Call resume to continue.


This tween

function restart():Tween

Call to restart the tween from the beginning.

function resume():Tween

Resumes a paused tween.

This resumes from the last pause point. If it was paused due to scrubbing (see scrub) this resumes from the last scrub point.


This tween

function scrub(val:Float, ?asPercentage:Bool = false):Tween

UNTESTED. Enables manual tweening aka scrubbing.

Immediately scrubs all targets to a specific tween time. The val should be between 0 and the tween duration, or 0-1 if you set asPercentage to true. This method sets running to false (see pause) which turns off automatic tweening for this instance. When you want to stop scrubbing and resume automatic tweening, set it back to true or call resume.

function setElapsed(val:Float):Tween

Sets the elapsed time.

This is generally managed automatically. You might call this before the tween begins to "fast-forward" the tween to a particular point. For example, 1.5 seconds into a 3.0 second tween would start the tween at the midpoint.

Another possibility is to "scrub" over values of the tween. See scrub()


The elapsed time, must be positive


This Tween

function setLoop(?loop:LoopType):Tween

Sets the loop type of this tween.


The LoopType of this tween; defaults to LoopType.None


This Tween

function setMaxLoops(count:Int):Tween

Sets the maximum number of loops a looping tween will have before it completes. If loop is None, this setting has no effect. Supply 0 to disable this feature (endless looping).


The maximum number of loops; may not be negative; 0 means no limit


This tween

function setName(name:String):Tween

Sets the name of this tween.

The name is primarily intended for the holding entity's name, which can be used to look up the entity in Ash. See name for more.


The name of the tween (may be null)


This Tween

function setOnComplete(?onComplete:OnComplete):Tween

Immediately sets onComplete.


What to do after the tween completes; defaults to OnComplete.None


This Tween

function to(obj:Dynamic, prop:String, target:Float, ?initial:Float, ?easing:EasingFunction):Tween

Convenience method, see addTarget for behavior.

function update(time:Float):Void

Updates automatic tweening for all targets in this instance.

Internal method, called by the TweenSystem.


The elapsed time in seconds